Objectives of the project
Strategic objective of the project | Link to respective call objectives |
Increasing the quality of primary and secondary education with the use of electronic testing.
The strategic objective of the national project is to innovate and realise the system of measurements at the school- and national level within lower secondary (ISCED 2) and higher secondary education (ISCED
3. The project will enable to evaluate the quality of education, monitor the development of education at primary and secondary schools and influence the strategic decisions in the field of educational policy. Simultaneously, the national project's aim is to analyse the state and needs of education in the Slovak Republic in the field of key competencies, to
build the pot,ential of teachers to perform monitoring
of educational results of their school with regard to the school education programme.
The national project has a direct link to the prioriry axis No. 1 “The reform of education and training system” and to the priority axis No. 4 “Modern education for knowledge-based society for Bratislava Region”, in particular to the measures No. 1.1 “Transformation of traditional school into a modern one” and No. 4.1 “Transformation of traditional school into a modern one for Bratislava Region”. The development of tools and forms of evaluation of schools’ educational activities realised within this national project will lead to innovating the methods and forms of students’ performance assessment directly at schools and to creation of effective system of evaluation of the state and development of education in the Slovak Republic. This corresponds with the specific objective of the measure, which is ensuring the institutional quality of schools. |
Specific objectives of the project | Link to project’s strategic objective |
Improving the quality of educational process at ISCED 2 and ISCED 3 levels by developing and implementing a set of electronic assessment tools (tasks, tests and questionnaires) to verify students' knowledge and key competencies, implementing new forms of students' knowledge level and monitoring the factors influencing the school quality. |
Implementing the system of electronic testing and developing the database of tasks and tests in general education subjects will create the conditions for efficient assessment of students’ knowledge in a particular subject (formative assessment) and for the assessment of the level of lower secondary education and higher secondary education (summative assessment). The assessment results will serve as basis for unification of requirements for quality of education in all types of school and for analysis of state and needs of increasing the level of education in the Slovak Republic. |