Minister of Education Succeeds in Secondary School Leaving Exam

Obrázok ku správe: Minister of Education Succeeds in Secondary School Leaving Exam

On 7th October 2014, the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Peter Pellegrini successfully graduated again after nineteen years. Pellegrini passed the school leaving examination test during the fair "AKADÉMIA & VAPAC" in Bratislava in the presentation stand of the national project Increasing the quality of education at primary and secondary schools with the use of electronic testing. In the shortened electronic test of Slovak language and literature, the Minister performed above average (83.33%) and, as a confirmation of his graduation, was awarded a certificate of honour.

"I remember the strange feeling I had when I sat down at the green table years ago. Current modern electronic testing method has shown me how the today's graduates feel," Pellegrini said. "Electronic secondary school leaving exam is a new way of testing students' knowledge. The questions that I received did not just train my memory, but also challenged my abilities to understand the text, orientate in it and to use all possible skills to label the answers correctly," added the Minister.