E-testing at schools

Types of electronic testings for primary and secondary schools:
- Maturita Online (ISCED 3) and Testovanie 9 Online (ISCED 2)
- In-school testings (e.g. initial testing, end-of-year testing, biannual testing etc)
- Teacher’s testings – the teachers may use the task items and tests to create tests according to their own requirements
Central electronic testing systemand its implementation in schools participating in the national project is one of the outcomes of the project “Increasing quality of primary and secondary education with the use of electronic testing”.
Login for students can be found at: www.etest-nucem.sk/student
Login for teacherscan be found at: www.etest-nucem.sk/ucitel
In the school year 2014/2015, the NÚCEM will begin to provide schools with the so-called password books for teachers and students. Such a book will comprise usernames and passwords for each student and teacher.
Student and teacher interface:
- each teacher and student will have their own interface, into which they will gain access by entering username and password
- a teacher may create their own tests by given task items and make them available to students for testing
- the test will appear on student’s interface and the test may start
- a student may find information on the test they took part in, their results and dates of future planned tests in their interface.
Licence types:
Licence School
Licence Student – school test and teacher test – standard testing
Licence Student – certification testing
Licence Student – school test and teacher test – adaptive testing
Licence Author of task items and tests
Licence Author of task items and tests - adaptive testing

Training in mastering the system
- The training for IT administrators and school coordinators is starting at the beginning of the school year 2014/2015. The individual training dates will be published at www.etest.sk.
- The training for task items authors are planned to take place also during the Summer School 2014.