Contest – Project Logo

All works which entered the contest (60 in total) created by secondary school students were also published by the News Agency of the Slovak Republic (TA SR) website “School Service” (Školský servis). You may see all competing logos here.
The contest was intended for secondary school students, generally focusing on graphics, design, fine arts or applied arts, advertising, IT and other related fields of study.
The aim of the contest was to create a logo for the national project “Increasing quality of primary and secondary education with the use of electronic testing” used for a long-term period as a symbol, identification sign of modern education, electronic testing and test development tailored to the needs of modern era by 21st century teachers. The logo is going to be used in communication with public and in the promotion of all project activities (i.e. publishing, educational or activities for broader public).
The logo is going to be used as a symbol mainly on the entrance doors to the school buildings as well as in the classrooms where the mentioned project will be realised. Further, it is going to be printed on all posters, leaflets, roll-ups, banners, stickers, official letters and other promotional materials supporting the publicity of the project towards experts as well as general public according to the requirements of the contest organiser.
By submitting their logo proposal, each contestant exclusively agrees that the logo will be used by the contest organiser for the purposes of the national project publicity, as well as by the other subjects implementing the national project.

Contest dates:
Official announcement of the contest: 13 May 2013
Deadline for application acceptance: 4 October 2013, 1:00 pm
Announcement of contest results: 22 October 2013
The winner of the national contest for secondary school students “Project Logo” is Daniel Jahôdka, student of secondary grammar school in Považská Bystrica.

Composition of the expert committee:
1. Simona Bubánová – contest guarantor – academic painter, CD Creative Department s.r.o.
2. Julo Nagy – designer, Calder Design Community
3. Emil Drličiak – designer
4. Petra Lipnická – executive director, Neulogy a.s.
5. Mária Grebeňová-Laczová – publicity manager, NÚCEM
On 22 October 2013, the author of the winning logo was awarded the prize (a tablet) by PhDr. Romana Kanovská, director of NÚCEM, and was also issued with a commemorative letter by the contest guarantor Simona Bubánová. The winner’s school will remember this event as well – the school was issued a commemorative letter by the project manager Hana Kotlárová.
Final provisions:
By signing the application, the applicant confirms their consent with the method of exhibition, promotion and free of charge dissemination of the photo documentation of the submitted work, with enabling its access to public, as well as with the use of their personal data for the purposes of the contest and related activities. The contest organiser hereby undertakes that none of the proposals submitted to the contest shall be misused for its own purposes pursuant to copyright law. By signing the application, in case the applicant is the contest winner, the applicant undertakes to close a licence agreement with the contest organiser, in which they grant the organiser a permission to use the submitted proposal by means of exclusive licence in unlimited range and free of charge in accordance with the Act No. 618/2003 Coll. on copyright and rights related to copyright.

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All participating works