Teacher Testing in E-Test Shortens the Students' Tension of Waiting for Test Results

Thanks to the E-Test project, teachers and students may use dozens of tests and thousands of tasks in the new electronic environment of E-Test. The system simplifies gathering feedback to teachers on pupils' knowledge and skills, relieves them from correcting written tests and students recognize their success rate quicklier than in written tests of knowledge.

The E-Test system already contains a bank of tasks and tests for the second degree of elementary schools (ISCED 2) as well as for secondary schools. The tasks in the database are from following subjects: Slovak language and literature, Hungarian language and literature, Slovak language and Slovak literature, English language, German language, Russian language, biology, physics, chemistry, history, geography, civics and mathematics. NÚCEM has paid special attention to the development of tasks aimed at determining the level of students' literacy - reading, mathematical, scientific, financial and statistical. Currently, the E-test contains more than 45,000 tasks and 72 already compiled tests. By the end of November, 130 tests will be available. The authors of the new tasks are teachers who have processed them according to the instructions of guarantors and and requirements of experts.

New tasks are added into the electronic bank in the E-Test every day, so that the teachers could gradually use the system for continuous testing in every subject and in each grade. Therefore, since June 2015, NÚCEM has organized training for teachers regarding testing in the E-Test system, while more than 3,000 teaching staff members have been trained so far. Currently, it is still possible to sign up for a few more free training dates that are about to take place in regional contact centres in Slovakia until the end of October. For more information, please visit the website etest.sk.

The teacher testing, which is continuously verifying the students' knowledge of a certain area or an educational unit during the academic year, is for the teachers of contractual schools one of the most anticipated benefits of the national project. The teacher testing in the E-Test system allows the teachers to choose an already created test, or to build up their own one out of the E-Test tasks from the selected subject. For this purpose, each teacher has their own individual teacher account where they log in. This account is not bound to the school where they work, so that even if a teacher changes their employer, they can use their tests in another school.
Tests and tasks in the NÚCEM electronic bank will not only serve for certification testing (a locked so-called "NÚCEM bank of tasks"), school testings (organised by NÚCEM - e.g. input-, output- or semi-annual tests; tasks and tests are in a so-called "School bank of tasks") but especially on the teacher testing (organised directly by a school, particularly by teachers in class; tasks and tests are in a so-called “School bank of tasks")
To participate in national projects, highly skilled authors were required. Teachers took part in a series of trainings focused on pedagogical diagnostics, the specificities of tasks development for individual subjects and compilation of tests. Strong emphasis was also put on education in the development of tasks in reading literacy, especially because of its cross-subject relations.

In March 2013, the National Institute for Certified Educational Measurements (NÚCEM) launched a project co-financed by the European Union resources under the name "Increasing the quality of primary and secondary education with the use of electronic testing". In order to modernise the current method of student testing, hundreds of experts and teachers from all regions of Slovakia were involved in the E-Test. They got the possibility to create tasks and tests within a user-friendly and secure computer-based environment.