Mini E-Test Classroom at the European Researchers' Night 2014

Obrázok ku správe: Mini E-Test Classroom at the European Researchers' Night 2014
Last Friday of September has traditionally been devoted to the European Researchers' Night when a festival is organised in several countries, in which the general public has a chance to learn about news in the field of research in their country.
Friday, 26th September 2014 was a feast of science and researchers also in Slovakia. In Bratislava, the NÚCEM offered the festival visitors the opportunity to try out new test items created within the national project "Increasing the quality of primary and secondary education with the use of electronic testing". From 9 am until 9 pm, our mini classroom was full of pupils, students, teachers and former teachers as well as pupils' parents and others who were motivated by curiosity and interest in new tests and technical test environment. Those who performed best were given a diploma and a useful gift, either a flash drive or a commemorative T-shirt.
An interesting discussion was sparked by a lecture led by researchers Mária Kolková and Pavol Kaclík "Is it possible to calculate which school is better?" The lecture was dedicated to explaining the value-added measurement in education and its use for the school and its management.